Monday, July 23, 2012

Austin’s First Macular Pigment Measurements

Eye Clinic of Austin Implements Key New Technology

The Importance of Macular Health
A growing number of Baby Boomers understand the potential effects of aging on their eyesight and are therefore motivated to take action to maintain their independence.  Studies show that today’s “older” Americans are far more active for much longer than previous generations; they stay in the workforce longer; have more hobbies and interests; and some studies among this group report that loss of independence is actually feared more than death.  So, when older patients are able to drive safer and more confidently; handle bright light easier; read with strain and manage risk factors for AMD, the case for a center for macular health becomes much clearer.

Macular pigment is made-up of photo-protectants and antioxidants.  An apple provides a great example of how antioxidants provide protection. The skin of the apple protects the inside until it is sliced open and exposed to oxygen.  When this occurs, the inside turns brown via a process known as oxidation.  A similar process occurs in our eyes over time as we age.

Dr. Thomas Henderson says, ”Macular pigments are like the eye’s 'internal sunglasses'. Thick, dense internal sunglasses block the harmful blue light part of the light spectrum that damages one’s eye across their lifetime. We are pleased to introduce Austin’s first non-invasive system for measuring macular pigment optical density.”

Learn more about Macular Health here.

Eye Clinic of Austin
Eye Clinic of Austin was founded in January, 1982 by Dr. Thomas Henderson. Dr. Henderson has been involved in all aspects of optical, medical, and surgical patient care, community service through twenty-five years of emergency call at University Medical Center (Brackenridge), drug research and medical lecturing. Dr. Henderson has personally performed over 11,500 cataract and refractive surgery procedures.

Eye Clinic of Austin offers refractive procedures such as blade-free, all-laser LASIK and Intraocular Lens-based procedures such as cataract surgery. Eye Clinic of Austin also provides general eye care such as medical, laser and surgical glaucoma management, diabetic eye care, dry eye relief, as well as a full service optical shop and routine and specialty contact lens care and fitting. The doctors at Eye Clinic of Austin include Thomas T. Henderson, MD, FACS, Clayton L. Falknor, MD, and Melanie Prosise, OD.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012