A red, inflamed eyelid could be caused by an infection at the root of the eyelashes – that is a stye. More commonly though, a red, swollen eyelid is caused by an infection of the oil gland in the cartilage plate that reinforces the back of the eyelid. This is called a chalazion. Chalazions are much more common than styes – perhaps 10 times more common.
The initial treatment for a stye or a chalazion is heat for 10 minutes, four times a day, for two days. If the problem is not resolved in two days and especially if it is a chalazion, it needs intense antibiotic treatment to kill the infection quickly.
A stye will disappear on its own if antibiotics are started by day 3, but chalazions will form scar tissue in the cartilage plate within the first five days. Then there will be a lump present on the lid for many months, perhaps even a year or more. Once the scar tissue forms, the only treatment is to cut out the scar tissue. It is far better to treat early if you do not want an ugly lump and a minor office surgery.
If you have a growth or swelling of any kind on your eyelids, make an appointment with your ophthalmologist.
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